
AUS ファーガス・ヒューム
(Fergus Hume)






質屋のヘイガー・スタンリー (Gypsy Detective Hagar Stanley)


1 質屋のヘイガー・スタンリー登場作品リスト

2 その他の作品


No. 事件名 発表年 邦訳 備考
1 二輪馬車の秘密 1886 新潮文庫('64)
扶桑社ミステリー0469「昭和ミステリ秘宝 横溝正史翻訳コレクション 鍾乳洞殺人事件/二輪馬車の秘密」(抄訳)('06)
博文館 世界探偵小説全集6「ヒユウム集」('30)
2 Professor Brankel's Secret -
3 Madame Midas 1888 -
4 The Girl from Malta 1889 -
5 The Gentleman Who Vanished
(米 The Man Who Vanished)
6 The Man with a Secret 1890 -
7 Miss Mephistopheles
(Tracked by Fate; or, Miss Mephistopheles)
8 Whom God Hath Joined 1891 -
9 Monsieur Judas -
10 A Creature of the Night -
11 The Year of Miracle -
12 When I Lived in Bohemia 1892 -
13 The Island of Fantasy -
14 The Chronicles of Faeryland -
15 Alladin in London -
16 The Fever of Life -
17 The Black Carnation -
18 The Harlequin Opal 1893 -
19 The Chinese Jar -
20 A Speck of the Motley -
21 A Midnight Mystery 1894 -
22 The Nameless City -
23 The Gates of Dawn -
24 The Best of Her Sex -
25 The Lone Inn -
26 The Mystery of Landy Court
(米 From Thief to Detective)
27 The Crime of 'Liza Jane' 1895 -
28 The White Prior -
29 The Carbuncle Clue 1896 -
30 Tricked by a Tattoo -
31 The Expedition of Captain Flick -
32 A Marriage Mystery -
33 Claude Duval of Ninety-Five 1897 -
34 The Tombstone Treasure -
35 Under One Cover 1898 -
36 The Clock Struck One -
37 Lady Jezebel -
38 The Rainbow Feather -
39 The Devil-Stick
(米 For the Defense)
40 The Silent House in Pimlico
(米 The Silent House)
1899 -
41 The Red-Headed Man -
42 The Indian Bangle -
43 The Crimson Cryptogram 1900 -
44 A Traitor in London -
45 Shylock of the River -
46 The Lady from Nowhere -
47 The Bishop's Secret
(米 Bishop Pendle; or, The Bishop's Secret)
48 The Vanishing of Tera -
49 A Woman's Burden 1901 -
50 The Golden Wang-Ho
(米 The Secret of the Chinese Jar)
51 The Millionaire Mystery -
52 The Mother of Emeralds -
53 The Crime of the Crystal -
54 The Turnpike House 1902 -
55 Woman: The Sphinx -
56 The Pagan's Cup -
57 The Guilty House 1903 -
58 The Jade Eye -
59 The Miser's Will -
60 A Coin of Edward VII -
61 The Yellow Holly -
62 The Silver Bullet -
63 The Wheeling Light 1904 -
64 The White Room -
65 The Mandarin's Fan -
66 The Red Window -
67 The Lonely Church -
68 The Fatal Song 1905 -
69 The Scarlet Bat -
70 Lady Jim of Curzon Street -
71 The Opal Serpent -
72 The Secret Passage -
73 The Wooden Hand -
74 The Black Patch 1906 -
75 Jonah's Luck -
76 The Mystery of the Shadow -
77 The Yellow Hunchback 1907 -
78 The Purple Fern -
79 Flies in the Web 1908 -
80 The Sacred Herb -
81 The Sealed Message -
82 The Mystery of a Motor Cab -
83 The Crowned Skull -
84 The Green Mummy -
85 The Amethyst Cross -
86 The Top Dog 1909 -
87 The Disappearing Eye -
88 The Solitary Farm -
89 The Devil's Ace -
90 The Spider 1910 -
91 The Mikado Jewel -
92 The Peacock of Jewels -
93 The Lonely Subaltern -
94 The Rectory Governess 1911 -
95 The Steel Crown -
96 The Pink Shop -
97 High Water Mark -
98 The Jew's House -
99 Mother Mandarin 1912 -
100 Across the Footlights -
101 A Son of Perdition -
102 The Mystery Queen -
103 Red Money -
104 The Blue Talisman -
105 Seen in the Shadow 1913 -
106 In Queer Street -
107 The Thirteenth Guest -
108 The Curse -
109 The 4 P.M. Express 1914 -
110 Not Wanted -
111 The Lost Parchment -
112 Answered: A Spy Story 1915 -
113 The Caretaker -
114 The Red Bicycle 1916 -
115 The Silent Signal 1917 -
116 The Grey Doctor -
117 The Black Image 1918 -
118 Next Door -
119 Heart of Ice -
120 Crazy-Quilt 1919 -
121 The Master-Mind -
122 The Dark Avenue 1920 -
123 The Other Person -
124 The Singing Head -
125 The Woman Who Held On -
126 The Unexpected 1921 -
127 Three -
128 A Trick of Time 1922 -
129 The Moth-Woman 1923 -
130 The Whispering Lane 1924 -
131 The Caravan Mystery 1926 -
132 The Last Straw 1932 -


No. 事件名 発表年 邦訳 備考
1 The Piccadilly Puzzle
(Dowker - Detective)
1889 -
2 The Dwarf's Chamber and other stories 1896 -
3 The Dancer in Red 1906 -


No. 事件名 発表年 邦訳 備考
1 The Sand Walker
国書刊行会 怪奇小説の世紀3「夜の怪」('93)
2 最後の人 新青年'30.6 原題不明

