UK ロバート・マクドナルド警部
(Inspector Robert Macdonald)





(E. C. R. Lorac 英 1894-1958)





No. 事件名 発表年 邦訳 備考
1 The Murder on the Burrows 1931 - ロラックのデビュー作
2 The Affair on Thor's Head 1932 -
3 The Greenwell Mystery -
4 Death on the Oxford Road 1933 -
5 The Case of Colonel Marchand
6 Murder in St. John's Wood
1934 -
7 Murder in Chelsea -  
8 The Organ Speaks 1935 -
9 Crime Counter Crime
1936 -
10 Post After Post-mortem
11 A Pall for a Painter
12 Bats in the Belfry
1937 -
13 These Names Make Clues
14 悪魔と警視庁 1938 創元推理文庫211-3
15 Slippery Staircase -
16 ジョン・ブラウンの死体 国書刊行会 世界探偵小説全集18('97)
17 Black Beadle
1939 -
18 Death at Dyde's Corner
1940 -
19 Tryst for a Tragedy
20 Case in the Clinic
1941 -
21 Rope's End, Rouge's End
1942 -
22 The Sixteenth Stair -
23 Death Came Softly
1943 -
24 死のチェックメイト 1944 長崎出版 海外ミステリGemコレクション2('07)
25 Fell Murder
26 Murder by Matchlight
1945 -
27 Fire in the Thatch
1946 -
28 The Theft of the Iron Dogs
(Murderer's Mistake)
29 Relative to Poison
1947 -
30 Death Berore Dinner
(A Screen for Murder)
1948 -
31 Part for a Poisoner
(Place for a Poisoner)
32 Still Waters
1949 -
33 Policemen in the Precinct
(And Then Put Out the Light)
34 Accident by Design
1950 -
35 Murder of a Martinet
(I Could Murder Her)
1951 -
36 The Dog It Was That Died
1952 -
37 Murder in the Mill Race
(Speak Justly of the Dead)
38 Crook O'Lune
(Shepherd's Crook)
1953 -
39 Shroud of Darkness
1954 -
40 Let Well Alone
41 Ask a Policeman
1955 -
42 ウィーンの殺人 1956 東京創元社 現代推理小説全集9('57)
43 Picture of Death
1957 -
44 Dangerous Domicile -
45 Murder on a Monument 1958 -
46 Dishonour Among Theives
(The Last Escape)
1959 -


No. 事件名 発表年 邦訳 備考
1 Remeber to Ring Twice 1950 -

