UK アーネスト・ブラマ
(Ernest Bramah)








農場経営をもとに最初の出版である「England Farming and Why I Turned It Up」を発表
グランド・リチャーズ社からカイ・ルンもの「The Wallet of Kai Lung」を発表
ロンドンのメシュイン社よりマックス・カラドス譚の第1短編集「マックス・カラドス(Max Carrados)」を発表
盲人探偵マックス・カラドス (Max Carrados)
カイ・ルン (Kai Lung)


1  海外サイト「


1 盲人探偵 マックス・カラドス登場作品リスト

2 カイ・ルン登場作品リスト


No. 事件名 発表年 邦訳 備考
1 The Wallet of Kai Lung 1900 -
1 The Transmutation of Ling -
2 The Story of Yung Chang -
3 The Probation of Sen Heng -
4 The Experiment of the Mandarin Chan Hung -
5 The Confession of Kai Lung -
6 The Vengeance of Tung Fel -
7 The Career of the Charitable Quen-Ki-Tong -
8 The Vision of Yin, the Son of Yat Huang -
9 The Ill-Regulated Destiny of Kin Yen, the Picture-Maker -
2 Kai Lung's Golden Hours 1922 -
1 The Story of Wong Ts'in and the Willow Plate Embellishment -
2 The Story of Ning, the Captive God, and the Dreams that Mark His Race -
3 The Story of Wong Pao and the Minstrel -
4 The Story of Lao Ting and the Luminous Insect -
5 The Story of Weng Cho; or, the One Devoid of Name -
6 The Story of Wang Ho and the Burial Robe -
7 The Story of Chang Tao, Melodious Vision and the Dragon -
8 The Story of Yuen Yan, of the Barber Chou-hu, and of His Wife, Tsae-che -
9 The Story of Hien and the Chief Examiner -
10 The Story of the Loyalty of Ten-teh, the Fisherman -
3 Kai Lung Unrolls His Mat 1928 -
1 The Story of Wan and the Remarkable Shrub -
2 The Story of Wong Tsoi and the Merchant Teen King's Thumb -
3 The Story of Tong So, the Averter of Calamities -
4 The Story of Lin Ho and the Treasure of Fang-tso -
5 The Story of Kin Weng and the Miraculous Tusk -
6 The Story of the Philosopher Kuo Tsun and of his Daughter, Peerless Chou -
7 The Story of Ching-kwei and the Destinies -
4 Kai Lung Beneath the Mulberry-Tree 1940 -
1 The Story of Prince Ying, Virtuous Mei, and the Pursuit of Worthiness -
2 The Three Recorded Judgments of Prince Ying, from the Inscribed Scroll of Mou Tao, The Beggar -
3 The Ignoble Alliance of Lin T'sing with the Outlaw Fang Wang, and How It Affected the Destinies -
4 The Story of Yin Ho, Hoa-mi, and the Magician -
5 The Story of Ton Hi, Precious Gem and the Incospicuous Elephant -
6 The Story of Sam-tso, the Family Called Wong, and the Willing Buffalo -
7 The Story of SAho Chi, the No-longer Merchant Ng Hon, and the Docile Linnets -
8 The Story of the Poet Lao Ping, Chun Shin's Daughter Fa, and the Fighting Crickets -
5 Kai Lung: Six 1974 - 没後出版
1 The Story of Lam-Hoo and the Reward of Merit -
2 The Story of Chung Pun and the Miraculous Peacocks -
3 The Story of Yeun Yang and the Empty Soo-Shong Chest -
4 The Story of Sing Tsung and the Exponent of Dark Magic -
5 The Story Kwey Chao and the Grateful Song Bird -
6 The Story Li Pao, Lucky Star and the Intruding Stranger -


No. 事件名 発表年 邦訳 備考
1 The Moon of Much Gladness
(米 The Return of Kai Lung)
1932 -
2 The Wallet of Kai Lung 1936 - 短編集1~3を収録

2 その他の作品


No. 事件名 発表年 邦訳 備考
1 The Mirror of Kong Ho 1905 -
2 What Might Have Been
(The Secret of the League)
1907 -


No. 事件名 発表年 邦訳 備考
1 The Specimen Case 1924 - カラドス1編他
1 Ming Tseuen and the Emergency -
2 The Delicate Case of Mlle. Celestine Bon -
3 The Dead March -
4 A Very Black Business -
5 Revolution -
6 Smothered in Corpses -
7 Fate and a Family Council -
8 Lucretia and the Horse-Doctor -
9 The War Hawks -
10 The Great Hockington Find -
11 Hautepierre's Star -
12 The Goose and the Golden Egg -
13 The Making of Marianna -
14 Bobbie and Poetic Justice -
15 The Heart of the Pagan -
16 Once in a Blue Moon -
17 The Marquise Ring -
18 The 'Dragon' of Swafton -
19 The Dream of William Elgood -
20 From a London Balcony -

【参考】「マックス・カラドスの事件簿」(東京創元社 創元推理文庫)
